labor sonor series 2024


22 APRIL | BALLHAUS OST | Sophie Watzlawick Où ces limites qui nous guettent, se mettent à vaciller for 16mm-film and one musician. Sophie Watzlawick—film, Marcello Busato—music | Zacarias Maia my homage to the new complexity. For a rolling-human and an aluminum-foil with objects that the performer uses often in his/her life | Heather Frasch & Parallax Atmospheric Ghosts Lights II for the sounds of empty containers, instruments, objects and electronics. Heather Frasch—objects, Torstein Lavik Larsen—trumpet/electronics, Are Lothe Kolbeinsen—guitars, Ulrik Ibsen Thorsrud—percussion

6 MAY | KUNSTHAUS KULE | Makiko Nishikaze Spiel mit mir video composition & live-performance | Henrik Dewes & Tobias Klich—guitars täglicher Blick auf den Alborz by Farzia Fallah; Musik für Gitarre zu vier Händen by CHEN Chengwen & Tobias Klich | Sofia BorgesTrips & Findings—percussion & electronics

24 JUNE | KUNSTHAUS KULE | Carina Khorkhordinatrumpet + Lorena Izquierdovoice action | Morimoto/Wong Seiji Morimoto—electronics + Eric Wong—electronics | Tatiana Heuman Voz Sonámbula for shrutibox&electronics

2 SEPTEMBER | BALLHAUS OST | Calum Builder—(re)constructed pipe organ & saxophone | Carolina Mendonça and Leticia Skrycky Something is Approaching—performance | Auguste Vickunaite—reel-to-reel tape recorders || Die Veranstaltung ist Teil des Monats der zeitgenössischen Musik Berlin der initiative neue musik e.V. /

21 OCTOBER | KUNSTHAUS KULE | Clare Cooper Mapped Intimacy—guzheng | Dafne Vicente-Sandoval Minos Circuit Rewired—microphone feedback, bassoon | Luciano Maggiore five legs—for speakers and voice

The series 2022-2024 is funded by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa resp. Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt, Spartenoffene Förderung Festivals und Reihen. The Ballhaus Ost events realized in collaboration with Ballhaus Ost. And many thanks to Kunsthaus KuLe.