10 JANUARY | KUNSTHAUS KULE | SOLO Ignaz Schick – live played installation
26 JUNE | THEATERHAUS MITTE | OPEN AIR | PORTUGAL & BEINS & GORDOA Erosão (Mariá Portugal – drums, Emilio Gordoa – perc., Burkhard Beins – perc.) | THE STILL (Derek Shirley – bass, Rico Repotente – guitar, Steve Heather – drums) | CAPECE & ŻYŁA Para atrás (Lucio Capece – bass clarinet, Monika Żyła – piano)
28 NOVEMBER | KUNSTHAUS KULE | SOLO Christina Ertl-Shirley Von beweideten Buchseiten, Wellenpappenreiterinnen und Lästlingen – eine Klangerzählung | SOLO Etienne Nillesen Extended Snare Drum | SOLO Gilles Aubry R’bia, Cinta, Harsha – feedback and electronics
The January event was part of the series 2021, funded by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa, Spartenoffene Förderung Festivals und Reihen. The November event is part of the series 2023/24, funded by the same funder. The June event was funded privately.